- Driving school official data:
School name: Fókusz Autósiskola
Registration number: 3998
Headquarters: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Távirda utca 9.
Bank account: CIB Bank: 10700093-72453834-51100005
E-mail address: jogsitakarok@gmail.com
Phone number: +36 70 70 20085
Company name: Fókusz Aba Kft. /8000 Székesfehérvár, Zámoly u. 86.
website: jogsitakarok.hu
- Company type: limited-liability company / commercial court registration number: 07-09-031801
- School director name and contact: Pap Gábor, papgabesz74@gmail.com, +36 70 433 0724
- Site of headquarters:
- 8000 Székesfehérvár, Távirda u. 9. +36/70-850-9091
- Opening hours: Tuesday 14-18, Thursday 09-13
- How to apply for a course: personally by bringing an ID card, residential card (which validates your place of living), elementary school diploma or higher diploma.
- A proof of medical adequacy is required, which can be obtained at your local doctor, general practician. Please obtain the correct qualification at the doctor and say for which category you want to be examined.
- Conditions of applying for the course, applying for theoratical and driving exams and obtaining an exam certificate:
- Conditions for enrollment in a course (minimum age indicated per category):
- Payment of the first installment
- Verification of elementary school or higher diploma (a copy is acceptable, no need for the original)
- Signed tuition contract at the school
- Conditions of applying for an exam:
- Conditions of applying for a theoretical exam: (minimum age indicated by category)
- Filled out application form
- Statement where you legally state that you have at least an elementary school diploma or higher if you wish to obtain a driving license for a motor vehicle.
- If you don’t wish to obtain a license for a motor-vehicle, you need proof of literacy.
- Completion of the theoretical course
- Not more than 9 months have passed since the beginning of the theoretical course
- Payment of the theoretical exam fee
- Valid certificate of medical adequacy
- Conditions of applying for a theoretical exam: (minimum age indicated by category)
After beginning the course, you have 9 months to apply for a theoretical course and 12 months to successfully complete a theoretical exam. In the case of the student not completing a successful theoretical exam in 12 months, the whole course has to be repeated, after which they can apply for a theoretical exam again. Permitted absence: 1 hour, which has to be made up for.
A successful theoretical exam is valid for 2 years. In the case of the student not finishing further exams and not obtaining a complete driving exam, the theoretical exam expires and the student has to repeat the whole course.
- Conditions of applying for a driving exam (age indicated per category):
- Having driven the compulsory number of hours and the compulsory distance
- Payment of the driving exam fee
- Conditions of obtaining an exam certificate:
- Proof of successful theoretical exam completion
- Proof of successful driving exam completion
- Proof of having at least an elementary school diploma or higher, which can be provided in the following ways:
- Possession of a doctorate title officially registered in your ID card
- Certificate of school completion by means of an original or copied diploma, which has to be certified by a notary or the original institution
- In the case of foreign diplomas or certificates, you need to bring the original diploma and an official translation except if the diploma or certificate has the imprinted phrase „Bizonyítvány és oklevél mintatár” put placed on it by the traffic authorities
- In the case of foreign diplomas or certificates, you also need a statement of acceptance or localization clause/codicil or certificate by the authorities. Proof of being a student certified by an education institution is also acceptable if the certificate is not older than 3 months. This certificate must state the possession of at least an elementary school diploma in some way
In the case of a successful exam completion, the exam center is going to create an electronic certificate, which is forwarded to the competent traffic authorities in 3 work days. You don’t get a paper certificate after a successful exam.
If you have finished all your exams and obtained all the necessary certificates (first aid as well), then you can request your driving license to be created at the local DMV (kormányablak).
- Subjects of the course and the compulsory driving distance:
Theoretical subjects and the compulsory number of hours:
In the case of studying personally in a classroom:
– Classroom location: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Távirda u. 9.
Only 4 theoretical lessons can be attended per day (4×45 minutes). Between 2 lessons, ther must be at least 10 minutes of break. There must be an attendance register at every class, and the register has to be signed each time. Certificate of the theoretical course can only be obtained if the student had missed less than 10% of the lessons. Missing less than 10% of the lessons can be made up for autonomically. However, if the student had missed more than 10% of the classes, the driving school must provide a supplementary class in the approppriate subjects. The student has to pay the necessarry fee for the supplementary classes.
The compulsory number of learning hours are indicated in the category conditions and requirements.
In the case of using the e-learning system:
The driving school has a contract with E-Educatio Zrt. (Address: 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 59. Postal address: 1519 Budapest, Pf.: 563, Tel.: +36 1 577 0222, Email: info@e-educatio.hu, School director: id. Hoffman Csaba).
For studying online, you need an approppriate device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc) and an internet connection. The course material can be accessed 24/7 from the first login until the date specified or until the provided learning hours run out. The provided learning hours differ for each category but usually they are more than enough. The course is divided into modules and after each module, there is a short test. Only after successfully completing the end-of-module tests can you advance to the next module. The system saves and evaluates the progress of the student in terms of how many questions were successfully answered. The system also checks the remaining learning hours and other conditions. Should the need arise, the student has the possibility of purchasing a supplementary learning package where an additional 15 days and 10 hours of access can be purchased.
Driving lessons, compulsory number of hours and compulsory distance:
The compulsory driving hours and distances differ for each category. You can find more information on the category conditions and requirements pages.
Vehicle use: The available vehicles can be inspected on the category conditions and requirements pages.
Driving lessons can begin after the student successfully completes the theoretical exam. The lessons have to be arranged with your driving instructor. A driving lesson lasts for 50 minutes. The duration of the driving exam includes the initial orientation and information by the driving examiner and also the final assessment and comments. After the 5th unsuccessful driving exam, the student must take a PÁV exam (field-competency exam).
Compulsory equipment for „ AM”, „A1”, „A2”, „A” categories:
- helmet,
- glasses (if the helmet doesn’t have eye protection),
- trousers and jacket made from strong material
- gloves, knee protector, elbow protector, spine protector (a motorcycle jacket can provide good protection for the elbow, spine and back)
- long sleeve, closed shoes or boots,
- Student jacket with the approppriate „T” sign,
- communicator device (short range radio) to enable communication between the instructor during the driving lessons and driving exam
9. Possible forms of making up for missed lessons or being late:
During driving lessons, the instructor must wait at least 10 minutes for a late student. After that, the lesson is counted as an absence. If the lesson is cancelled because of the instructor, the lesson can be made up for at a later time without additional fees. Students can cancel a driving lesson with the following conditions:
– at least 24 hours before the beginning of the lesson for free
– if the student cancels the lesson less than 24 hours before the beginning of the lesson, they must pay for the whole lesson.
Missed lessons must be made up for within the compulsory driving hours.
10. Lesson fees, exam fees and forms of payment:
- Lesson fees
- Detailed information about the lesson fees are included on the category conditions and requirements pages
- Students arriving from other driving schools with a change certificate have to pay a service fee of: 15.000,-Ft
- Exam fees
- Exam fees are regulated by the authorities according to the 84/2009 (XII.30) KHEM decree
- Forms of payment
- Bank transfer
- Paying personally at the cashier’s register
- Paying by installments
The price of the course and the possible installments are noted in the student contract.
We provide a guarantee that within 6 months of signing a contract, we are not going to change the prices of the compulsory driving lessons for you.
11. Conditions of acquittance/absolution from lessons and exams are noted in the 24/2005.(IV.21.) GKM decree
12. Student transfer to a different driving school and certificates of the completed courses:
If the student requests, the school director has to create a „Képzési Igazolás” (course certificate) in 3 copies and deliver 2 of those to the student in 3 work days. The price of the paid for but not driven lessons is returned with the course certificate in cash.
13. Location of education:
In the case of big classes: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Távirda u. 9.
In the case of e-learning, location of consultation: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Távirda u. 9.
Driving lessons: Agro-Property Kft. 8000 Székesfehérvár, Takarodó út 4. 8114/3 hrsz.
Theoretical exam: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Sárkeresztúri út 12.
Driving exam: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Sárkeresztúri út 12.
14. Forms of applying for supplementary classes: Apart from the compulsory number of hours and distance driven, the instructor can recommend you to take more driving lessons. The price of these lessons is the same os the cumpolsory lessons.
15. Licensing authority name, address and phone number:
Name: Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium Képzési és Vizsgáztatási Hatósági Főosztály
Address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 188.
Phone: 06-1-814-1800
16. Rights and obligations of students
- Students are informed about the date and location of exams in time
- Students must come to the location of the driving exam in the approppriate time and in the approppriate clothing
- Students must bring a valid ID card, driving license or other official form of identification (passport + residential card are also possible). Students under 14 must bring their student card (diákigazolvány)
- Students must provide proof of at least an elementary diploma or higher for the exam center at the latest on the day of the first exam. If proof is not provided, an exam certificate can’t be created and the student can’t apply for the next exam until proof is provided
- The result of the exam is noted in the official record (jegyzőkönyv), which the student accepts by signing at the approppriate place.
- If the student doesn’t pass the exam, they must wait at least 3 days before taking another exam
- In the case of absence, being late or an unsuccessful exam, a new exam can only be taken after paying the fee of the next exam, except if the student notifies the exam center of their absence at least 6 days before the exam in writing or in person
- In the case of personal information changing on an official document (ID card, driving license, etc), the student must notify the exam center at least 8 days before the exam
- If during the medical adequacy test, the doctor prescribes a restriction such as glasses or contact lenses, the student must bring an extra set of glasses or contact lenses to the exam. In the absence of these, the driving exam can’t be taken and the student must bear the costs
- If the student already has a valid driving license or exam certificate, they must present these to the examiner at the exam.
17. Rights and obligations of the driving school:
- Create a contract for the categories certified in the tuition license
- Terminate a contract with approppriate reasoning
- Determine a service fee based on the contract
- Change the service fee
- Determine the time and date of the theoretical courses and change them if necessary
- Arrange theoretical and driving exams with the exam center
- Charge a service fee/administrative fee if the student leaves the driving school to go to another driving school. The price of the fee is 10.000.-Ft.
- Provide the conditions and requirements for the whole course
- Take care of students’ affairs who were accepted for the courses based on the tuition license
- Handle the personal information of students confidantly and approppriately
- Examine and evaluate student complaints
- Create an invoice and bill about the services
- Pay back the service fee in case of student contract termination
- Observe and evaluate the work of the employed driving instructors
Payment of exam fees must be done before the driving school applies the student to an exam. This is possible personally by cash at the exam center or by bank transfer to the driving school. The exam fee doesn’t include the exam posting fee.
18. Regulations in connection with the creation of the driving license
- In case of a successful exam, the exam center creates an electronic certificate, which is sent to the traffic authorities in 3 work days.
- To apply for your driving license at the traffic authorities, go to the local DMV (kormányablak) and present the following:
- ID card
- Residential card (shows your place of living)
- Certificate card of a completed first aid course (only for your 1st driving license)
- certificate of medical adequacy (unless the previous one is still valid)
Creation of your first driving license is free. For all the following driving licenses (expanding your license with A, C, etc), there is a fee.
- Getting a „B” category license only allows you to drive in Hungary until you are 18 years old
- For 2 years, your first driving license counts as a „beginner’s license”, which places some restrictions on it.
- In the case of a foreign citizen, a 6 month residence permit or a permanent official place of residence is required to get your driving license
This written information is provided by the driving school according to the 24/2005.(IV.21) GKM decree. A copy of this broschure is given to the applicant when they apply for a course. This broschure can also be found at the headquarters and reception of the driving school in a well-visible area, plus on the website as well. This information is updated constantly to provide the most relevant and fresh information.
Pap Gábor, school director